2 min read

Commemorating 2 YEARS of Brickplanet! 🎉

Commemorating 2 YEARS of Brickplanet! 🎉

As we begin to wrap up this year and head into the festive season, BrickPlanet has celebrated its second birthday and we plan to celebrate so many more with all of our loyal Planetarians, so what is in store for the future of BrickPlanet?

Updates, Revamps and... more updates?

This year InsDel and Isaac have worked extremely hard to bring you a safer, better and more secure BrickPlanet- as we continue to introduce new website safety features to enhance our ability to stop all unwelcomed content on Brickplanet.

But as the website continues to get better; so does our client! We still plan and are working on the release of our new client and workshop, which you can track the progression of and see when we work/complete new features: Link to the Roadmap.

Events, showcases and game-nights, finally!

As of recent we have been very silent with new events, showcases and what was planned to start, game nights. But that all ends today as I plan to reveal the upcoming plans for the future of Brickplanet Engagement.

Events: What's Upcoming and what to look out for!

Events are a cornerstone of BrickPlanet and what we consider to be one of our biggest engagement opportunities. As of recent, we have been working and planning out a series of events and ideas to respark the interest of the community and oh boy' do we have some ideas lined up!

With all that said and done, stay tuned and look out for our next blog for the first of many new events and competitions!

What the heck happened to showcases?

Showcases are something that I felt connected us as a community. Not only could I show off the best creations, clothing and users, but it allowed me to get closer with the community and build a stronger relationship.

However, considering that BrickPlanet is still a relatively small community, it was hard to do weekly and even monthly showcases. Finding new content became desperately more difficult and eventually led to the discontinuation of showcases.

But this does not mean the end of showcases! I plan to bring them back in a whole new fashion with loads of more content to read up upon, more information about this will be released soon. (I cannot wait!)

That about wraps up todays blog!

Thank you so much for reading up on these new updates and I hope we have many more years of BrickPlanet, thank you for sticking around with us for 2 years and stay updated for a new event and giveaway regarding our 2 year mark!